Archive for March, 2010

Palin, McCain Rally In Arizona (VIDEO): GOP Is ‘Party Of Hell No’

March 26, 2010

The GOP is not only the “Party of Hell No,” it’s also the “Party of the Big Lie!” Reasonable people know McCain, and the rest of the Republicans running for office, cannot repeal health care reform, so why do they lie? Well, because they’re running their latest scam on all their stupid voters. Like George Bush when he promised a constitutional amendment to safeguard the institution of marriage, these liars and crooks placate their base while they steal their money. And in return, nothing changes, and hopefully they all lose their bids for re-election. John McCain, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Scott Brown–they’re all liars, fear-mongers, and scam artists!
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Senator: Which Part Of ‘Too Big To Fail’ Do You Not Understand?

March 26, 2010

Senator Kaufman has blown the whistle. He’s Main Street’s hero. Wall Street peddlers of greed toppled our financial system and opened the doors to this country’s economic ruin. We bailed out the too-big-to-fail giants, but we haven’t gone far enough. The crooks and liars need to go to jail, the toughest financial regulations need to be put in place, so this never happens again, and Main Street consumers must be protected with an indpendent Consumer Protection Agency with real powers of oversight and accountability. When it comes to fixing problems, Republicans kill bills, and Democrats water them down because both parties are beholding to corporate America for their existence. Dodd instills no trust that much will change; whereas, Kaufman does. Senator Kaufman (D-DE) is the man of the hour. My money is on him to break up these too-big-to-fail banks.
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In America, wining counts!

March 24, 2010

Finally, the health care bill is the law of the land, yet Senate Republicans will not move on. Why do senators and state attorneys general, who rail about how health care reform is bankrupting the country, waist our time and tax dollars with gotcha amendments on the reconciliation bill in the Senate and frivolous lawsuits, across the nation, to repeal the law, claiming it is unconstitutional. Anybody who knows civics knows Republicans would have to regain a majority in both houses of Congress and have a Republican president in the White House who would sign on to the repeal.  Most constitutional experts say these lawsuits would be thrown out by the Supreme Court should they ever arrive. In the meantime, people do not need to be put through these dead-end charades, especially now since the polls are a-changing.

Liz Cheney Group Attacks Eric Holder: ‘As If He Doesn’t Know We’re At War’

March 17, 2010

Liz Cheney has no credentials to question the Obama administration about war. First, she’s a war profiteer’s daughter. Second, she’s a red herring, with a stench more foul each day. And finally, not only is her old man a war criminal, he also–like Bush–ran away from serving his country during Vietnam, so he’s a coward too.

Roland Madore
Fort Collins, CO
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Senator Kaufman: Fraud Still at the Heart of Wall Street

March 16, 2010

No one is above the law! Thank you, Senator Kaufman for your principled report to the Senate on the Wall Street ripoffs. Please continue your investigation, leaving no stone unturned. The American public demands justice and the strictest Wall Street regulations without loopholes. Main Street consumers want an independent agency that has the power to oversee these greedy operators, with white collar crooks going to jail.
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Dodd Unveils Financial Regulatory Reform Bill With ‘Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’

March 15, 2010

Dodd’s a joke, but consumers are not laughing. What was unveiled today is NOT financial regulatory reform. Wall Street is merely slapped on the wrist, the FED is given more power to do nothing, and consumers are told to go to Hell. Congress can’t get anything right. The whole place smells like rotten fish. No needed regulation…no public option. What’s there to debate in the Senate? It’s all theater of the absurd!
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Dodd Financial Reform Bill: The Federal Reserve’s ‘Remarkable Recovery,’ New Powers

March 15, 2010

A tale of two Americas: while the taxpayers, who bailed out Wall Street, languish in the United States of America, our elected officials thrive in Washington, D.C.’s United Kingdom of Corporate America. And, because power corrupts, the Republicans kill bills that would help the people gain a piece of the pie, and the Democrats water them down; but alas, corporate America rewards both parties with massive donations, while the people continue to get the shaft. The politicians and Wall Street enrich themselves while destroying America. And President Obama and Secretary Geitner are to blame for perpetuating this vicious cycle and maintaining the status quo.
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Senator Calls For Aggressive Financial Reform, Deplores Current ‘Incremental’ Steps

March 11, 2010

Whatever the bankers and Republicans want, do the opposite because it’ll be protecting the people. Slap on the strictest Wall Street regulations possible, with an independent consumer protection agency to protect the public from these blood-sucking predators.. Like Europe, we need to get our financial house in order, and we need a return on our tax dollar bailout. Thank you, Sen. Ted Kaufman (D-DE). Are you listening Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT)?
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Barney Frank Wants Financial Reform Conference Televised

March 10, 2010

Once again, since DEMS on the Senate side appear to be caving in to donors, lobbyists, and the Republicans regarding strict consumer protection regulations on Wall Street–independent from the Federal Reserve–Rep. Barney Frank’s idea for a TV summit to call out the Senate at conference proceedings on C-Span is a necessity. Republicans cried foul, accusing the Obama administration of not keeping its promise to let the sun shine in on the work being done for the American public. Making secret deals behind closed doors is one of many Washington shell games that sickens voters. Again, the loudest voice in Washington, D.C. should be that of the people. Thank you, Rep. Barney Frank. The people want elected officials held accountable.

Roland Madore
Fort Collins, CO
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Is Undercover Boss the Most Subversive Show on Television?

March 9, 2010

Right on about members of Congress needing to go undercover regarding their constituents’ lives, but reality shows are not really real life. Remember the movie, Trading Places? I often fantasize about the well-to-do trading places with the homeless–a year’s stretch would be ideal, yes? For millions of Americans right now, reality sucks, and so do CEOs.
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